Guest Poem: Outside

Poetry: Celebrating National Poetry Month.



I’m still trying to teach myself
not to choke up when I think of you
I wanted to be your universe
you resigned to let me be a moon
a satellite
an alien visitor
I could not stay forever
never quite hold you
never quite shine bright enough to gain your honest and loyal favor
Standing at the bottom rung
I lack the skill to climb
but furthermore
I was not invited

For links to poetry prompts, or if you missed out on what I’m doing for National Poetry Month, check out the first post here.

You can also find all the poems that have been posted so far here.

To end each post, there will be this call to share your own work. Whether it’s something that you write as soon as you finish reading this post, or it’s a poem you’ve posted or had published, place the whole poem in the comments or put a link to it. A brief description before the link will help me process comments faster, so I know they’re not spam.

Also, feel free to share links to poems or spoken word performances by other poets. I hope this month will bring a wide variety of poetry to everyone’s attention. Also, there will be posts on my author Facebook page, a link to which can be found on the right-hand side, that will include spoken word performances and links to work of other poets, which will not appear here.

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4 Responses

  1. Diana Tyler (Eccentric Muse) says:

    This is so sad, but I especially love these lines:

    you resigned to let me be a moon
    a satellite
    an alien visitor
    I could not stay forever

    • Mandie Hines says:

      It is so sad, but I love this poem. ❤ I’ve read it over and over again. Nikkita has a way with words, the timing and positioning, the rhythm, and the content. It all pulls you and folds you into the words where you can’t help but feel them deeply.

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