Six Word Flash Fiction
You’ve seen my flash fiction before, and now here it is again, but in just six words. Passionate dreams, scattered with her ashes. Try out this challenge. Give me your best fiction in six words (or thereabouts) in...
Poetry, Horror, Psychological Thrillers
You’ve seen my flash fiction before, and now here it is again, but in just six words. Passionate dreams, scattered with her ashes. Try out this challenge. Give me your best fiction in six words (or thereabouts) in...
Thank you for stopping by. “Wasteland” can now be found in my poetry collection “Origami Stars and Hot Air Moon” published by Winter Goose Publishing. Try your hand at flash fiction, write a story about 50 words...
A flash fiction piece to start your day. Enjoy! From the mountaintop, Sven shook the last of the ashes from the urn. He stood with a mouthful of regret. Regret that his mouth was open when a perfectly-timed squall came up...
I’m happy to announce that my flash fiction piece, “Pebbles,” is on the Page & Spine website today. While quite brief, this story is longer than some of the other flash fiction pieces that I’ve had published. So for those...
The emptiness was filled with journals to replace all the letters she’d never get to write, and tea pots with matching mugs for all the conversations left hanging in the air. She filled the mugs with tears of regret,...