Category: Poetry


Poem: Liquid Memories

Sometimes when I think of you, the mere thought clenches my throat, springs liquid memories to my eyes, tightens around my stomach, and reveals a gaping hole where my heart once beat. All I wanted was to hear your voice....

Taking on a position with the poetry society in my state, and the importance of actively participating in keeping writing and poetry groups alive in our communities. 4

Taking on a New Challenge

I’ve recently taken on a new challenge. I’ve been part of a group called WyoPoets for a little over a year now, and I am now the vice president of the group. Let me tell you a little about WyoPoets....

Conquering fears of public speaking to provide an opportunity for local poets to read their work out loud. 3

Inspiring through Poetry

Today, I thought I’d share a guest post I wrote for the blog of local author, Cindy Keen Reynders, who’s written both a mystery and paranormal series. If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen a link to...

A poem about the subtle ways censorship enters our lives and the dangers of ignoring the restrictions placed on our words. 6

Poem: Subtlety of Censorship

It creeps in like fog at dusk under the guise of protection. These words, these themes, these ideas are not suitable for children. We think maybe that’s right. Maybe they are too young. Perhaps individual discretion is too much work....