Category: Free Stories and Poems

A poem about our resilience and the struggle to find beauty when we're experiencing difficulties. 5

Poem: Buoyant

Note: I have been struggling with the new editor that WordPress uses. I managed to change my theme (again) to resolve the issue, but this post was thisclose to not coming out. Until I find the cause of the issue,...

A poem about the peace of early morning hours. 3

Poem: Morning’s Firsts

Early morning,when the chilly airbrushes against my cheeksand the gray sky waits for the firstbird to release its song,is the most peaceful time.Right before the peal of children’slaughter marks the beginning of ahurried life, even before the firstcoffee beans are...


Poem: Goodbye

You never kiss me goodbye. Each time we kiss, it’s like you’re saying hello even if you walk out the door when we part. Except today. My salty tears caused you to linger, but through it I could feel you...

Poem 3

Poem: Instead of Sky

Instead of soil layer the Earth with footprints and ghosts. Instead of sky line it with breath and thunderous heartbeats. Instead of void fill the space in between with everything you cannot see but know like wind, hope, faith, and...