Category: Free Stories and Poems


Dusty Poems 21

The poem below is a part of a series called Dusty Poems, where I share poems I wrote when I was in college, and decided to dust off and share with all of you. I think this is the only...


Dusty Poems 20

Welcome to the Dusty Poems series where I share poems I wrote back in college. As I’ve been working on the recording and graphics for this poem, I’ve really enjoyed revisiting this piece. At the point in my life when...



This riptide has me and my voice couldn’t carry across the waves even if I gave it permission to flee. The water claws for space in my lungs. I hear help nearby but they throw me their anchors. It’s too...


Dusty Poems 19

Dusty Poems is a poetry series where I share poems that I wrote in college, many years before poetry entered my life like a storm and took over. I started this website about four years ago, and my second post...


Dusty Poems 18

Welcome to Dusty Poems, a poetry series created from a collection of poems I wrote in college. When I reflect on these poems, I’m reminded of how angsty I was as I tried to find my way in life. Even...