Category: On Writing


Poets & Writers Directory

I think every writer has little marks they’re striving to achieve. Something I’ve had my eye on for years is a listing in the directory of Poets & Writers. For those who are unfamiliar, Poets & Writers, Inc. is one...

The dangers of comparison 2

Comparison Robs You of Celebration

Comparing ourselves to others is a natural tendency, but it can be destructive. Some of us use comparison to test whether we’re good enough or if we’ve achieved enough at this point in our journey. Some use comparison to judge...

Poem about grief 5

Out Today — Poem: Walk with Me

I have to confess something. It’s been years since I’ve submitted a piece to a literary journal. Wyoming has a new journal, so I submitted a poem yesterday for their first issue that comes out this fall. Duck Head Journal...


Struggles of a Writer

A friend told me there are two paths of struggle for creatives. Those who struggle within and those who struggle without. Internal Struggle There are people who get stuck in jobs, where they don’t get to pursue their passion and...

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers 0

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers

One of my favorite writing tricks has to do with playing with sentence length. There are different rules about sentence length related to reading difficulty and grammar. This post isn’t about either of those though. This is more for the...