Category: Editing

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers 0

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers

One of my favorite writing tricks has to do with playing with sentence length. There are different rules about sentence length related to reading difficulty and grammar. This post isn’t about either of those though. This is more for the...

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid 0

3 Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid

Self-publishing is a fast-growing part of the publishing world. It no longer carries the same stigma it once held. Many authors choose self-publishing for control that’s missing in the traditional publishing process. I’ve even heard of authors switching from traditional...

Challenges to joining a writing/critique group and how to overcome them. 3

Obstacles to Joining a Writing Group

Over the years, I’ve written a few posts about writing groups. In the first one, I interviewed my writing group and asked them about the benefits of a writing group. I didn’t have to struggle to find a writing group,...


Words to Write By Part 13

The Words to Write By series is a quick reference to help explain the differences between commonly misused words. In this installment of Words to Write By, I’ll review there vs. their vs. they’re, intrical vs. integral, pray vs. prey,...


Words to Write By Part 12

The Words to Write By series is a quick reference to help explain the differences between commonly misused words. In this installment of Words to Write By, I’ll review intently vs. intensely, carmel vs. caramel, pore vs. pour, and cult...