Category: On Writing

Contronyms 11


I enjoy the English language and all the little quirks that come with it. One such quirk can be found in contronyms, or words that are their own opposites, with two definitions that contradict each other. Contronyms are also called antagonyms,...

Main and Minor Characters 8

Main and Minor Characters

There is a spectrum of characters in every story that range from main to minor characters. I read a prompt in “The Daily Writer” by Fred White that described characters as being either flat or round. A flat character can...

Words to Write By Part 4 3

Words to Write By Part 4

In this installment of “Words to Write By,” I’ll review fiancé vs. fiancée, insure vs. ensure, alright vs. all right, and simultaneous vs. contemporaneous. This series is a quick reference to help explain the difference between commonly misused words. I’ve received...

2017 NaNoWriMo Competition 4

2017 NaNoWriMo Competition

I stumbled upon a NaNoWriMo contest for people who write horror, dark fantasy, gothic, black comedy, paranormal, or other types of dark fiction at Gallows Hill. The grand prize for the competition includes: $1,500 Editorial package including developmental and line editing...

NaNoWriMo Tools and Tips 5

NaNoWriMo Tools and Tips

It’s that time of year again when writers attempt to write 50,000 words in one month for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It’s a challenge that started in 1999, and while I don’t intend to participate this year, I thought I...