Category: On Writing

A peek at some of the great sessions offered during a recent writing conference. 7

Writing Conference Part II: Feeling Inspired

Last week, I wrote about some of the general benefits of attending writing conferences and feeling inspired to take chances. This week, I’ve compiled some of my favorite parts from a few of the sessions at the Wyoming Writers, Inc....

An overview of some of the benefits of attending writing conferences, and the encouragement that can lead to taking chances with your writing. 7

Writing Conference Part I: Taking Chances

Writing conferences are one of the greatest things ever created for writers. They provide sessions in a variety of areas that allow writers to pick and choose what they want to learn about based on their writing goals, skill set,...

A writing group is invaluable to writer, but how do you find one? Here are some ideas on where to start looking. 3

How to Find a Writing Group

A few years ago, I wrote a post about the importance of writing groups with insights from members of my own group. The post highlights some of the benefits of being in a group and what it adds to a...


Words to Write By Part 12

The Words to Write By series is a quick reference to help explain the differences between commonly misused words. In this installment of Words to Write By, I’ll review intently vs. intensely, carmel vs. caramel, pore vs. pour, and cult...

A few insights from a recent poetry workshop. 5

The Beauty of Poetry Workshops

Poetry is one of the wildest, most surprising, inspirational, life-consuming, and life-changing things I’ve ever hitched my wagon to. Every time I think I’m going to take a break from it to focus on other writing, poetry re-enters my life...