Evaluating Editing Critiques
Here’s a little secret: When you ask someone to read your work, they feel an expectation to find errors in your manuscript and by pointing them out, they feel they are helping you. The more errors they find, the more...
Poetry, Horror, Psychological Thrillers
Here’s a little secret: When you ask someone to read your work, they feel an expectation to find errors in your manuscript and by pointing them out, they feel they are helping you. The more errors they find, the more...
I attended a writing event this weekend called Literary Connection. One of the speakers, author Carrie La Seur, talked about her writing path. She has an interesting journey outside of writing with degrees in French and English, she received a...
There are many ways to reveal information about your characters when writing a story. Today, I am discussing five levels that reveal information about your protagonist or antagonist’s character, the internal attributes that are distinctive to a specific character in your...
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) begins next month already. It’s a challenge for writers to begin a new story and write 50,000 words in 30 days. This year, I hope to see and encourage more writers through this challenge than...
The Words to Write By series is a quick reference to help explain the differences between commonly misused words. In this installment of Words to Write By, I’ll review taking vs. taken, quiet vs. quite vs. quit, advise vs. advice,...