Tagged: Dusty Poems

Dusty Poems, a poetry series 3

Dusty Poems 24

The poem below is from the Dusty Poems series, a collection of poems I wrote many years ago, long before I knew how much of a force poetry would be in my life. I’ve enjoyed going through these old poems...

Dusty Poems, a poetry series 0

Dusty Poems 23

The poem below is from the Dusty Poems series, a collection of poems I wrote many years ago, long before I knew how much of a force poetry would be in my life. I’ve enjoyed going through these old poems...

Dusty Poems, a poetry series 7

Dusty Poems 22

The poem below is from the Dusty Poems series, a collection of poems I wrote many years ago, long before I knew how much of a force poetry would be in my life. I’ve enjoyed going through these old poems...


Dusty Poems 21

The poem below is a part of a series called Dusty Poems, where I share poems I wrote when I was in college, and decided to dust off and share with all of you. I think this is the only...


Dusty Poems 20

Welcome to the Dusty Poems series where I share poems I wrote back in college. As I’ve been working on the recording and graphics for this poem, I’ve really enjoyed revisiting this piece. At the point in my life when...