Tagged: Literary Magazines

Flash Fiction: Eternity 5

Flash Fiction: Eternity

This flash fiction piece first appeared in 50-Word Stories. Cool grasses cradle my back. Fireflies flicker. I inhale the sweet, damp air; at peace for the first time in five years, three months, and nineteen days. I could lay here...

Cover Letters for Literary Magazines 11

Cover Letters for Literary Magazines

Cover letters are the first impression a writer makes on an editor at a literary magazine. I’m going to tell you how to write one, so you don’t ruin your chances of getting published before the editor has a chance...

Announcement & Perseverance 7

Announcement & Perseverance

I planned to share a flash fiction piece this week; however, I received some exciting news that I really can’t wait to share with all of you, and out of it there’s also a topic I thought I’d touch on....