Tagged: Writing


Poem: Amongst the Stars

I sit amongst the stars waiting, resting. Perhaps I should come down settle my toes into the earth. But I can’t imagine settling so close to things that are buried. It might be too easy to pick up a shovel...


Struggles of a Writer

A friend told me there are two paths of struggle for creatives. Those who struggle within and those who struggle without. Internal Struggle There are people who get stuck in jobs, where they don’t get to pursue their passion and...

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers 0

Sentence Length as a Tool for Writers

One of my favorite writing tricks has to do with playing with sentence length. There are different rules about sentence length related to reading difficulty and grammar. This post isn’t about either of those though. This is more for the...

An update on the status of writing projects. 9

A Quick Update

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted. I’ve almost forgotten how to do this. First I want to say, I’ve missed it, I constantly feel guilty when I don’t get a post out each week, but I’m here to let...